
Deutsche Bahn Ficticious - 鉄道フォト

Japan Internet Based

投稿: 2023/09/16 00:50
This is my 5 Five Upload, 4th Design Proposal. Still Beg Administrative Staff To Consider Keeping This. Indeed Japanese Shinkansens or Japanese High Velocity Trains are Much More Exterior Beautiful Than European & German Ones. In Fact, Still Think ex Bombardier Görlitz ICE T of 1998 was the best ICE German Designs in Terms of Correctiveness, even my period as fourth at ex Bombardier Görlitz in 2012 for 4 Months with IC Dosto DB & Swiss was Administrative of Germans a Catastrophy of bad Administrators and people alocated of ex BeOne who knew nothing about Vehicles' Projects and do not gonna correct a Axle whole Train Problem of Third Parties Project, in Order to have a Precise Train. Train was balanced with more steel wheels at one side but do shakes more in curves. The Görlitz Factory is an abandoned building of past which does do not resemble a modern factory but a concentration camp. 600 km weekly ride with 4 Trains Type was much for a bad administrative people there, today the Factory is French Alstom. Regarding that and my Experiences with ICE German Trains, even a Resume or Bewerbung Once as "Board Service" to Deutsche Bahn and All Emails to CEO DB without any response, put this Design, because the Talgo ICE coming from Spain to Germany is an Ugly one, not really an ICE but more a mix of an IC to Netherlands. Also the Alstom & Siemens Proposals for ICE IV is very Strangers, not alike the beauty ICE I or T; even same German Designer of ICE III, not response also from the Munich Small Office of the Old Guy, it is in a way though Japanese People could help Germany to be again a Right "Made In Germany" Product. And so the Export of some N700 to see if Customers like this Approach. Sincere MK Hope You Japanese People Do Not Have Objections In Such, Neither Patents Of Hitachi, Kawasaki, Nippon Sharyo & Any Other Japanese Huge Main Industry. 2023 ICE 5 Shinkansen Deutsche Bahn https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intercity-Express https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shinkansen https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutsche_Bahn

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鉄道会社 Deutsche Bahn Ficticious
車両番号 J7 As Based
列車種別 Shinkansen N700 Japan Export To Germany As ICE Five
運行路線 Germany


撮影日 2023/09/15 17:30
撮影場所 Japan Internet Based


元画像サイズ 横:2048 / 縦:1365