
Art Station Neo Japan Tokyo Challenge Contest - 鉄道フォト

Milano Italia Blankenese

投稿: 2023/09/16 01:33
Again with my all requirements to this site Staff Knowledge & Permission, requires to be kept all those Graphic Designs Studies. Apologizes if still not a real photo, because is an imagination yet. This is the 6th Contribution of 8 for this While. Do not have done others for this moment. This was done first with Pantone & Copic Markers during my studies of Design in Milan Italy during very old SPD Times, no it is not the Today School, it was during the Nino Di Salvatore Moments in 1996 to 1996. Then since a while back was Digitalized and further approached for the Neo Tokyo Competition for Art Station Keyframes Story Part, yes it in the context a small storytelling. As other Contest Participated, Sure Not The Winners or Among Any Popularity, because you know Judges like the Negativity Dark Side of New Generations Hard Work, not Old School. And have my Limits. This 2023 Japan Old Town Tram passing by the Sky Tower in Tokyo, when 3 Blonde Girls Visiting Japan Appreciates the Vehicle Passing and Admiring the Sunset on City. Regards MK

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鉄道会社 Art Station Neo Japan Tokyo Challenge Contest
行先 Trying To Pass Samurais !


撮影日 2023/09/15 18:30
撮影場所 Milano Italia Blankenese


元画像サイズ 横:3000 / 縦:2000